Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Here We Go

A Little Bit About Me in 30 Bullet Points or Less

  • I'm from Florida, born and raised
  • My graduating class was only 54 students, and no it wasn't a charter/private school
  • My mother is French and I speak a bit
  • I am a middle sister
  • I work at Tapioca Express but still cannot grasp why California has a fascination with boba
  • Math is where I am seeking my degree
  • I play the Trumpet (or at least try to)
  • I formerly was a part of the UF Quidditch Team and even competed
  • My roommate is a Hedgehog. The deal is that I give her food and shelter in return for her pricking me.
  • I have 5 less piercings on me than I'd prefer
  • I was named after a literary character
  • I can never seem to grow out my hair very long. I always end up chopping it off

  • I am trying to learn to skate
  • Camping is my kind of party
  • (Same goes for hiking or being outdoors)
  • I have a collection of coasters and growlers from various breweries
  • On that same note, I've made batches of beer. Some are edible. 
  • I've volunteered at Comic-Con for the past 3 years
  • I just bought myself a sewing machine - influenced by all the DIY projects I see on YouTube. We will see how that goes...
  • I floss religiously

What the Future Holds: 
  • I am en route to graduate next Winter (and am terrified!)
  • I dream of learning to ride motorcycles
  • One day I am going to run a Marathon
  • I've had a pet Husky before and am positive I will again
  • I don't plan on leaving California anytime soon, I love it here